Squadron Welcomes Bloomberg's Support for Marijuana Reform, Urges Albany to Pass Legislation Now

NEW YORK -- State Senator Daniel Squadron, the sponsor of legislation (S3105) to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana in public view, welcomed Mayor Bloomberg's support for the bill and the change to NYC policy announced in today's State of the City. Squadron released the following statement:

"Legislation I carry would reform the in-plain-view marijuana possession statute and the inconsistent way it's enforced. 

"It's great news that Mayor Bloomberg supports this bill, and is changing NYC policy to make it more equitable. Beginning next month, anyone arrested for possessing small amounts of marijuana won't be held overnight if they have ID and a clear warrant check -- and that's an important step forward. 

"Far too often, law-abiding New Yorkers are made to feel like suspects targeted by law enforcement instead of citizens protected by it. Decriminalizing small amounts of marijuana in public view would be an important step toward ending these inequities, and Albany must pass this legislation now."
