Statement by Senator Carlucci on Raising the Minimum Wage in New York State

David Carlucci

February 13, 2013

“I applaud President Obama’s decision to fight for increasing the minimum wage.  At the same time, New York cannot sit back and wait for action.  New York must set an example for Washington to act by working together in a bipartisan fashion and raising workers’ pay here at home.

“Raising the minimum wage for our lowest paid workers will guarantee that thousands of our hardest working men and women have a fair shot at achieving the American dream. Just yesterday, I was proud to join with my Senate colleagues in releasing a detailed policy report that shows that women and minorities stand the most to gain with a modest increase in their wages.  The experts agree that real wages will skyrocket and our economy will create jobs across the board.  I am confident that we can put the politics aside and get this done for the folks that need our assistance the most."

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