Senator Valesky Leads Major Initiative to Eliminate Regulations that Cost Money and Jobs
David J. Valesky
June 11, 2013
- Rules
- Small Business
- Agencies
SYRACUSE—State Senator David J. Valesky (D-Oneida), in his capacity as Chairman of the Senate Commerce, Economic Development and Small Business Committee, is leading an effort by the Majority Coalition to cut the morass of red tape and unnecessary regulations that have proven detrimental to businesses.
“Creating a more business friendly environment is critical for economic development, especially in Upstate New York,” Senator Valesky said. “We are making progress with new programs, but we also need to address existing problems that have made doing business in New York difficult, causing companies to shrink their workforce or leave the state entirely.”
Yesterday, the Senate passed a package of legislation toward that end, including two bills sponsored by Senator Valesky:
S.5553 would improve the rule-making process by providing for expanded information on the costs and benefits associated with an agency proposal. It would also ensure state agency rules be adopted through a process that provides for public comment on the potential costs and benefits of regulatory action. Information on costs would have to relate to both fiscal costs and other costs, such as opportunity costs, and address both positive and adverse cost impacts.
S.2160 would institute outreach efforts to regulated persons who may be adversely affected by any proposed rule before it is filed with the Secretary of State to be published in the State Register. In these outreach efforts, state agencies would be required to solicit the opinions of regulated persons about potential administrative burdens proposals may impose, cost estimates for compliance, and other adverse effects.
In addition, the Senate approved 11 other regulatory reform measures including legislation to:
- Establish a task force to conduct a complete review of the State Administrative Procedure Act (SAPA) and regulatory review process;
- Eliminate 1,000 burdensome regulations on businesses;
- Give the Senate’s Administrative Regulations and Review Commission more oversight authority in the rulemaking process to ensure state agencies do not overstep their authority in implementing rules and regulations; and
- Stop unfunded state mandates on local governments and school districts.
In the coming months, Senator Valesky will be joined by Senators Carlucci, Gallivan, Marchione and Griffo to hold industry-specific public hearings across the state to listen to businesses and local officials to learn which rules, regulations and mandates are the most useless, most costly, and should be eliminated.
“This legislative package is a good first step, and I’m looking forward to listening to businesses in the coming months in the hope of developing a long-term solution,” Senator Valesky said.