Statement by Senate Co-Leader Dean G. Skelos

Dean G. Skelos

December 11, 2013

Congratulations to members of the Long Island Regional Economic Development Council, particularly co-chairs Stuart Rabinowitz of Hofstra University and Kevin Law of the Long Island Association, for their outstanding and dedicated work, which resulted in our region receiving the top award of $83 million in the third round of state economic development funding announced today.

Thanks to the commitment of many people here on Long Island, we have made consistent progress in creating new jobs, helping businesses succeed and grow. The important funding provided to Stony Brook University, the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, the Brookhaven National Laboratory, and many others, will build on that progress.

In order to bring about even more job growth and give families the relief they need to live and stay here, we must focus all of our energies on cutting taxes to create new jobs. During the 2014 Legislative Session, Senate Republicans will work tirelessly to enact measures that bring about meaningful tax relief, new jobs and brighter opportunities for young people and all workers, while making life a little easier and a lot more affordable for hardworking families all across Long Island.