Latimer Delivers Free Newspapers to Port Chester-Rye Brook Library

George Latimer

February 26, 2013

As part of his continual efforts to keep the public aware and informed of state issues, Senator George Latimer will continue to deliver The Legislative Gazette, a free, weekly publication that is distributed in Albany to the Port Chester-Rye Brook Public Library. 

Senator George Latimer said, 'It is easy for elected officials to trumpet their own accomplishments in Albany to their constituents but our role as advocates is to present people with objective information and give them the ability to make the most informed decisions about public policy and other state issues.'

The Legislative Gazette publishes in Albany under the auspices of the Research Foundation of the State University of New York and is produced by English/Journalism, Business/Economics, and Political Science students for the legislative community.

'I am appreciative that Robin Lettieri and her team at the Port Chester-Rye Brook Library has agreed to make copies of the Legislative Gazette available to local residents to read and take home each week,' Latimer stated. 

'The best debates about issues occur when everyone involved is well informed.  Delivering these newspapers, in addition to my personal efforts to be visible, accessible and accountable are part of a larger goal to give residents a clear picture of what is happening in Albany.  I hope that the residents of Port Chester and Rye Brook will stop by and pick up a copy,' condluded Senator Latimer.