Latimer Honored at Annual Rye Chamber of Commerce Luncheon

George Latimer

June 7, 2013

(Rye, NY) On Thursday June 6th, the Rye Chamber of Commerce honored State Senator George Latimer at their annual luncheon at the Wainwright House.  Latimer was honored for his consistent advocacy on behalf of the small business community in Rye dating back to his time as a City Councilman in Rye.  

"Rye's business district has always been a standout amongst Westchester communities because of the amount of locally owned and managed small businesses in a relatively concentrated area," said Senator Latimer.  "The success of the business district in Rye is largely due to the level of dedication that the business owners and employees have to making this a better community.  I have always utilized what I have learned in Rye to help other communities create similar, successful models to develop small businesses and advocate for the public policies that will impact them.  In my opinion, being honored by the Chamber of Commerce in my hometown is really a reflection of the work that they do every day."

The Chamber's President Sally Wright stated, "We honor George today because he has been our "go-to" guy for Rye.  George has always represented ALL of his constituents.  He sees no barriers.  He is honest, hard working and extremely ethical.  Common sense comes into play as well -- George can see an issue and bring parties together for a consensus.  It seems so simple, but few have the grace to pull it off like George consistently does."

The Rye Chamber of Commerce holds the luncheon every year to bring together the business community in Rye, elect new officers and strategize for the upcoming year ahead.  This year's luncheon was attended by approximately 50 people.