Latimer's Office Announces Income Tax Preparation Assistance by Making IT-201 Forms Available at Office and By Delivery for Seniors

George Latimer

January 29, 2013

State Senator George Latimer has announced that beginning immediately, NYS income tax forms, including the IT-201, will be available for pickup at the Senator's office or via delivery for senior citizens who request them. 

'Offering this service is just another way of being helpful to the community,' stated Senator Latimer.  'Every year we all fill out these forms and many of us have the same questions year after year but have to pay an expert to get the right answers.  As a Senator, my job is to advocate on behalf of the people who elected me and try to improve their lives.  By performing this service, we are anticipating the needs of the community and taking proactive steps to make certain critical functions easier than they ordinarily would be.'      

Up until a few years ago, New York State used to send forms out by mail.  With that service no longer available, Latimer's office has taken the initiative to perform this function for local taxpayers.  Forms are also available online at 

The Senator's office reminds constituents that this is a State office and therefore, can only furnish forms for New York State.  Additionally, the Senator has asked that all requests be placed by March 31st, 2013. 

Senator Latimer's District Office is located at 222 Grace Church Street, Room 305 in Port Chester and can be reached by phone at (914) 934-5250 or by email at  Requests for tax related material can be placed through any of those avenues.