Sen. Farley Reports Senate Passes Measure to Increase Penalties for Selling Drugs in Parks or on Playgrounds

Hugh T. Farley

May 29, 2013

State Senator Hugh T. Farley (R, C, I – Schenectady) reported the New York State Senate recently passed a bill increasing penalties for people who sell drugs in playgrounds and parks. The bill (S.2173A) would further protect kids and their families from the dangers of people who prey on children.

Current New York State law penalizes people who sell drugs on school grounds or day-care centers and this bill expands that to include parks and playgrounds. Drug dealers who target children are especially dangerous to society and should be subjected to stiffer penalties for selling or trying to sell drugs to children in this manner. This legislation takes the next step in targeting drug dealers who lurk in parks and playgrounds in an effort to take advantage of children.

The bill has been sent to the Assembly.