Senator Farley Offers Safety Tips as Part of Fire Prevention Month
Hugh T. Farley
October 7, 2013
- Firefighters

October is National Fire Prevention Month and as part of that commemoration, State Senator Hugh T. Farley (R, C, I - Schenectady) offers safety tips.
"Protecting our loved ones is the responsibility of every parent, neighbor and citizen," Senator Farley said. "That's why it is important to stay informed on fire safety and to take steps to protect yourself and your families."
Senator Farley said it is important that everyone in your family knows to call 911 to report a fire or other emergency. Have your children practice what they would say on the phone in case of a real emergency.
Senator Farley also encourages people to practice fire drills at least twice a year. The Senator suggests holding family drills at night with all the lights out and doors closed. Other fire drill tips Senator Farley suggests include:
* Name one family member as the drill leader. The drill leader is responsible for sounding an alarm to start the drill and for the timing of the drill.
* Everyone should test closed doors by using the back of their hands. Each family member should pretend the door is warm and open it carefully.
* Everyone should pretend there is smoke and proceed to crawl following the normal exit route.
* Once outside, everyone should go to the designated meeting place. The drill leader should take roll to make sure all family members are present. If this were a real fire, one person would use a neighbor's phone to call the fire department.
* Conduct a second drill and have the family members follow an alternate exit route.
"This year, Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday, November 3rd," Senator Farley explained. "When you change your clocks, this is a perfect opportunity to change the batteries in your smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector. You should really check the batteries at least twice a year."