Introducing the 2013 Grown in NY Plan

John A. DeFrancisco

March 6, 2013

The New York State Senate Republican Conference has introduced the “Grown in New York Plan” to strengthen family farms by expanding markets, removing obstacles, and investing in the future of farming.

The proposal would expand markets for our family farms by promoting Farmers Markets, Food Hubs and “Buy from your Backyard” programs to increase the amount of locally grown produce that is enjoyed by communities throughout the state, nation and world.

In addition to being one of the most productive agriculture industries in the country, our farmers unfortunately are among the most regulated. New York farmers can be subject to more than 20 different federal, state and local regulatory agencies.

The Senate Republican plan will cut far-reaching red tape, which often prevents farmers from spending more time in the field and growing their business. We will also encourage federal regulators to work in conjunction with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to remove time consuming and often duplicative regulations.

By investing in the future of farming, our plan will ensure that the family farm can stay in the family for future generations. Through a wide-range of reforms including farm savings accounts, the farm viability institute, dairy profit teams, estate tax reform and farm education, our plan will ensure the long-term success of farming in New York state.