Governor Cuomo Signs Into Law Bill S1025; Important Boost for Tourism in New York State
José M. Serrano
October 3, 2013
- Recreation and Tourism

Governor Cuomo Signs Into Law
Bill S1025; Important Boost for Tourism in New York State
(Albany, NY) - Governor Andrew Cuomo recently signed into law bill number S1025/A5311, legislation sponsored by Senator Serrano, which would ensure that the "I Love NY" tourism website is linked to all state agency webpages where advertisements or public service announcements are disseminated. This bill helps encourage individuals visiting state agency websites to click on the 'I Love NY' logo, which will direct them to the 'I Love NY' webpage, where they will be able to preview some of the amazing attractions that New York has to offer.
"Tourism continues to be a major economic generator for New York," said Senator Serrano. "We've seen the economic engine it provides for New York City, yet there's so much more we can and should do to promote attractions in other parts of our great state. Currently, the tourism industry supports over 700,000 jobs statewide and contributes $92 billion in economic activity, yet I believe that's just the tip of the iceberg," continued Serrano.
"New York State has a wealth of amazing, untapped tourism opportunities. From our great state parks, beaches, camping and hiking, to our amazing cultural institutions, New York has it all. This bill will help ensure that linkages are made between travelers and tourism destinations across our state."
"I'd like to thank Assemblywoman Didi Barret for cosponsoring this bill in the Assembly, and for working hard to help promote tourism throughout New York. A very special thanks to Governor Cuomo for his unwavering support for the arts, parks, and the growing tourism sector in our state," concluded Serrano.