Senator José M. Serrano Stands with Senator Liz Krueger, the Women's Equality Coalition, & Other Elected Officials in Full-Support of Governor Andrew Cuomo's 10-Point Women's Equality Plan

José M. Serrano

May 15, 2013

(New York, NY) - Senator José M. Serrano joined Senator Liz Krueger, the Women’s Equality Coalition,  and local women’s rights advocates at a press conference on the steps of City Hall in full support for passage of Governor Andrew Cuomo’s 10-point Women’s Equality Plan. The plan, which supporters hope to have passed before the end of this year’s legislative session, is designed to break down barriers that perpetuate discrimination and inequality based on gender.

“The women of New York deserve a vote on Governor Cuomo’s comprehensive 10-point Women's Equality Plan,” said Serrano. "This plan not only promotes fairness and equal opportunity for the women of New York, but also bridges income disparities due to gender discrimination. Governor Cuomo’s 10-point Women’s Equality Plan is a commonsense approach to achieving equal pay, alleviating sexual harassment in the workplace, ending family status discrimination, and protecting a woman’s freedom of choice,” continued Serrano.

“Now is the time to move on this legislation. I applaud Governor Cuomo for proposing a plan that will address many of the great public health and safety concerns affecting women today and puts the State of New York at the forefront of women’s rights," concluded Serrano.