Senator Serrano Co-Sponsors Councilmember Melissa Mark-Viverito's Summer Youth Fair in The Bronx

José M. Serrano

July 19, 2013

(Bronx, NY) - Senator José M. Serrano co-sponsored Councilmember Melissa Mark-Viverito's Youth Fair at St. Mary’s Park, geared towards making the community aware of the numerous resources at their fingertips. In addition to face painting, talent shows and giveaways, attendees of the event received free information about public schools, child daycare services, and college prep services.

“It is great to see the community come together and enjoy the summer sun, while simultaneously being made aware of key educational resources,” said Senator Serrano. “This fair provides an opportunity for parents to speak with representatives from their children’s school and gather the appropriate information to ensure their children's success in the coming school year," continued Serrano.

"Many residents may not have become familiar with all of the resources provided here had this fair not taken place. Many thanks to Council Member Melissa Mark-Viverito for organizing this wonderful event,” concluded Serrano.