Statement From State Senator Jose Peralta On Newly Enacted Gun Legislation

Jose Peralta

January 14, 2013

Below is a statement from State Senator Jose Peralta, five of whose gun bills are part of the gun legislation passed tonight.

"As the sponsor of 14 gun bills, I couldn’t be happier to see long overdue action finally taken on common-sense measures to protect New Yorkers from gun violence.  A good deal of the legislation I have sponsored and fought for is in this package.

"I applaud the governor for his perseverance and commitment.  Tonight's enormous victory is a result of his leadership.  

"Making it harder for criminals to get guns, and keeping firearms out of the hands of the mentally ill, are essential steps in the fight against gun violence.

"We also need to make it easier for law enforcement to put gun criminals in jail by making use of available technology.

"That’s why we need to enact microstamping legislation, which has the support of police and prosecutors throughout the state. 

"Let’s not waste any more time on the nonsense that a microscopic code on a shell casing constitutes an assault on the Second Amendment rights of sportsmen and law-abiding gun owners. 

"New Yorkers deserve better than that.  Especially those waiting on justice for a loved one lost to gun violence."
