Statement From State Senator Jose Peralta On Recent Deadly Violence On Roosevelt Avenue

Jose Peralta

September 24, 2013

“The recent incidents of deadly violence on Roosevelt Avenue, in broad daylight, underscore the fact that we need a lot more than trash bins and video cameras to make Roosevelt Avenue safe.  

“Roosevelt Avenue is referred to as the old Times Square for good reason.  Cleaning it up once and for all will require the kinds of resources and determination as were invested in purging Times Square of the sleaze that flourished there for so long.

“Unfortunately, that level of commitment from city and state government does not appear to be forthcoming any time soon.  There are steps, however, that can and should be taken immediately to begin the process of making Roosevelt Avenue safer.

“We also need to re-assemble the Roosevelt Avenue Task Force.  Originally convened in 1991, it drew from the Police, Fire and Buildings Departments and other agencies.

The Task Force was so successful in closing down brothels and fighting crime, it was allowed to lapse after just four years in action.

“Fresh paint, additional trash cans and video cameras are welcome.  They are a very far cry, however, from what’s needed to eradicate the prostitution, human trafficking and other illicit enterprises and dangerous activities that have plagued Roosevelt Avenue for decades.“
