Regarding the New York State Tax Relief Commission Report

“I’m committed to making New York a more attractive place to live and work, so I welcome the Commission’s ideas on how best to accomplish that through tax relief.
“I, along with my colleagues in the Senate Republican Conference, have long advocated for a reduction in property taxes for individuals as well as a lowering of taxes on business. It’s encouraging to see this group echo that philosophy.”
“While I appreciate the Commission’s recommendations, I believe we can – and we should – go further. I will be working with my colleagues to create a permanent state spending cap, to eliminate all corporate taxes on manufacturers and make the middle-class income tax rates permanent.
“We’ve consistently tried to provide tax relief to taxpayers, business owners and families. Our goal is the same for next year’s budget. Let’s get to work on an exhaustive tax relief and regulatory reform plan that will help get government out of the way of small business growth and make it possible for hard-working New Yorkers to own property here and stay here.”