Senator Marchione announces official opening of Halfmoon District Office
Kathleen A. Marchione
April 15, 2013
For Immediate Release: April 15, 2013
Contact: Josh Fitzpatrick, (518) 455-2381; fitzpatr@nysenate.gov
Beginning tomorrow, Senator Marchione’s Halfmoon District Office will be open to assist constituents on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Senator Kathleen A. Marchione (R,C-Halfmoon) today announced the official opening of her Halfmoon District Office to help serve constituents in the 43rd Senate District. Starting tomorrow – Tuesday, April 16 – Senator Marchione’s Halfmoon District Office will be open, and staff will be available to assist constituents, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The District Office is located at 2 Halfmoon Town Plaza, Halfmoon, NY 12065. The phone number is (518) 371-2751, the fax number is (518) 371-2753, and the e-mail is marchione@nysenate.gov. Individuals can call, e-mail, or visit Senator Marchione’s District Office in Halfmoon, as well as schedule an appointment to meet with the Senator personally at the District Office.
“Our District Office in Halfmoon is open for business and ready to make a positive difference in helping the constituents that I am so honored to serve in the State Senate,” said Senator Marchione.
“Helping constituents seeking information about state policies, resolving a dispute with a State Agency, researching a great idea that can become an even better law, assisting small businesses with state regulatory issues, responding to the needs of local governments and elected officials, and performing vital casework that helps cut through the massive state bureaucracy; these are the types of services that our District Office in Halfmoon will help provide in coordination with my Albany Office,” said Senator Marchione.
“Delivering high-quality, prompt and professional customer service that helps the families, small businesses and local governments throughout the 43rd Senate District will be a top priority for my District Office in Halfmoon. I look forward to meeting with constituents and continuing our efforts to improve the quality of life for everyone within the 43rd District,” said Senator Marchione.
Marchione was elected last fall to represent the 43rd Senatorial District, which includes parts of Rensselaer, Saratoga and Washington Counties, and all of Columbia County.