Senator Marchione’s bill designating “Saratoga County Veterans’ Memorial Highway” signed into law today by Governor Cuomo
Kathleen A. Marchione
November 15, 2013
For Immediate Release: November 10, 2013
Contact: Josh Fitzpatrick, (518) 455-2381,
Cell: (518) 542-2413,
Senator Marchione’s bill designating “Saratoga County Veterans’ Memorial Highway” signed into law today by Governor Cuomo
Senator Marchione says the new law will help honor the service and sacrifice of Saratoga County veterans
Senator Kathleen A. Marchione (R,C-Halfmoon) today announced that Governor Andrew Cuomo signed her bill designating a portion of the state highway system as the “Saratoga County Veterans’ Memorial Highway” into law today. The new law adds a section to the State Highway Law designating the portion of State Highway Route 4 in Village of Schuylerville (in the Town of Saratoga), commencing at its intersection with Spring Street, south on Route 4, past the Saratoga National Cemetery and the Saratoga Battlefield, through the Town of Stillwater into the City of Mechanicville, and then continuing south into the Town of Waterford and ending at the Saratoga County line in Waterford on Route 4 as the “Saratoga County Veterans’ Memorial Highway.”
The measure, which passed the State Senate on May 29, also calls for the State Commissioner of the Department of Transportation to provide for the installation and maintenance of adequate signing of the state highway system indicating the new naming of this expanse of roadway intended to memorialize Saratoga County Veterans. The Assembly companion bill to Senator Marchione’s legislation was sponsored by Assemblymember John McDonald (D-108th District), co-sponsored by Assemblyman Dan Stec (R,C,I-Queensbury), and passed the Assembly on June 21. The new law had been called for, and was supported by, local VFW Posts and American Legion Posts that also sent letters of support for the designation of the Saratoga County Veterans’ Memorial Highway. In addition, the Saratoga County Board of Supervisors Veterans’ Committee had passed a local legislative resolution requesting the designation.
“Tomorrow is Veteran’s Day, when we remember the service and sacrifice of our veterans and express our thanks to America’s true heroes. I thank the Governor for signing this legislation into law as a terrific kick-off to this important day as we come together as a community, state and nation and express our gratitude to our veterans and their families. Enacting this legislation was a team effort, as I partnered with the Saratoga County Board of Supervisors, local VFW Posts, American Legion Posts and veterans, as well as Assemblymember John McDonald and Assemblyman Dan Stec. I am proud that all our bi-partisan efforts on behalf of veterans were successful,” Senator Marchione said.
The new law will increase the visibility of the historic corridor in Saratoga County that was the location of the Battle of Saratoga and the turning point of the Revolutionary War and help heighten awareness of the Saratoga National Cemetery and the State Military Museum.
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