Senator LaValle Announces Local Job Creation Projects To Receive State Funding

Kenneth P. LaValle

December 17, 2013


Nearly One-Third of Long Island’s Economic

Council Awards are in our area


New York State Senator Ken LaValle announced that $12.2 million dollars in state grants were awarded to promote economic development and job creation on the east end.  Senator LaValle said, “These funds are critically important to fuel the economic engines that drive job creation in our area.”

“The 26 projects that were awarded these significant investments represent nearly every sector of our economy – from health care to the fishing industry to job incubators; employee skills training to company expansion; research and monies to promote the east end and various infrastructure investments that will benefit us long term.”, Senator LaValle continued.   

The award list for our area is attached in PDF format below.

(Additional information can be found at: )