Senator LaValle Secures $500,000 for Rocky Point Downtown Revitalization Project
Kenneth P. LaValle
October 7, 2013
New York State Senator Kenneth P. LaValle today announced that after many months work he has secured $500,000 for the Rocky Point Downtown Revitalization Project.
Senator LaValle was joined by Town Councilwoman Jane Bonner at a morning news conference announcing that the funds had been secured.
In addition, Brookhaven Superintendent of Highways Dan Losquadro has committed $720,000 of 2014 Capital Budget monies from both the Traffic Safety and Street Lighting Divisions to the project.
“Downtowns play an important role in our communities,” said New York State Senator Ken LaValle. “I am pleased to have been able to secure $500,000 for the revitalization of downtown Rocky Point. A vibrant downtown gives the community and region a sense of pride and positive self-image. It also serves as an anchor that holds the community together and provides the stability necessary for economic growth and job creation.”
Councilwoman Bonner said, “I want to thank Senator LaValle, who has worked tirelessly to make sure that the State funding would come through, and I also want to thank Dan Losquadro. Because of their efforts, I can assure the Rocky Point residents and business owners that our plan to revitalize the downtown business district will continue to move forward.”
The funding from the State, the Town Highway Department and the county will allow the Town to proceed on the following proposed capital construction projects:
1) Broadway at King Rd, Rocky Pt.
Out dated traffic signal (designed and built in the 80s) doesn’t meet Federal or State design or accessibility standards, with a history of crashes, requires redesigning and building to include pedestrian enhancements, such as countdown timers, access ramps (ADA compliant), colored crosswalks, curb extensions (bulb outs), emergency vehicle pre-emption, etc., required to improve intersection safety and accessibility
A) Design plans for upgrade, including Fire Preemption, LED’s, video detection
B) Construct new design with pedestrian “Hand/Man” countdown signals, colored crosswalks and new standard ADA ramps, curb and sidewalk.
2) Broadway at Prince Rd, Rocky Pt.
Intersection with limited sight distance and crash history requires improvements to include curb extensions (pedestrian bulb outs), colored crosswalks, accessible ramps (ADA compliant), etc. Traffic calming devices to improve safety and access.
A) Design bulb outs, sidewalk with other traffic calming measures to reduce speeds and volumes
B) Construct new design, colored crosswalks and new standard ADA ramps, curb and sidewalk.
3) Broadway between Old Route 25A and 150’ north of King Rd, east and west sides, King Rd and Prince Rd 50-350’ in Rocky Pt.
Traffic calming required for both sides of the roadway to include sidewalk, ADA compliant curb cuts, driveway aprons, roadway resurfacing, pavement markings, on street parking, etc., to accommodate pedestrians, bicyclists (shared roadway) and vehicles in a safe efficient manner.
A) Design sidewalk with other traffic calming measures to reduce speeds and volumes
B) Design to include access for bicyclist and pedestrians
C) Construct concrete sidewalk system, highly visible crosswalks and shared roadway bike route.