Statement from Senator Lee M. Zeldin RE: Governor Cuomo's Budget Proposal to Eliminate the Salt Water Fishing License Fee

Lee M. Zeldin

February 20, 2013

"The salt water fishing license fee should have never been passed in the first place. I fought hard immediately upon taking office in January 2011 to secure a three-year moratorium in the 2011-2012 state budget. Long Island's recreational fishing industry benefits as a result of a more friendly culture in Albany. As Governor Cuomo said at a Freeport press event in August of 2011, some things in life should be free and salt water fishing is one of them. This year, I introduced legislation with Assemblyman Fred Thiele to permanently eliminate the salt water fishing license fee. I commend the Governor for his leadership on this issue and for including an elimination of the fee in this year's state budget. This is a very positive action on behalf of Long Island fishermen."