Erie County Workshops: Organics And Waste Paint Management

Mark Grisanti

September 3, 2013

Erie County Department of Environment & Planning is participating in two regional projects to improve the management of problem wastes - particularly in rural areas: latex paint& organics, including food waste. Both projects include holding training workshops, so to make it easier for you to learn about both topics, they are scheduled for the same day. There is no registration fee and lunch will be provided (free) for those attending the waste paint workshop.

Western New York Organics Management Workshop & Roundtable - 9:00 am to 12:00 noon
Come learn best practices to advance organics management & composting
Target audiences: decision-makers, municipal officials, commercial & institutional organics materials generators, haulers, and interested others

Reducing, Reusing & Recycling Waste Latex Paint in Erie County - 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm (with a free lunch provided from 12:00 to 1:00)
Come learn best practices to improve the management of leftover latex paint, including local options & case studies
Target audiences: decision-makers, municipal officials, solid waste facility operators, and recycling & HHW coordinators, retail stores, painting contractors, environmental advocates, and interested others

TheNortheast Southtowns (NEST) Solid Waste Management Board will then hold its regular meeting from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm at the 21 S. Grove Street location.

To register for one or both workshops visit: