Back to School Photo Contest

Martin J. Golden

August 28, 2013


Good afternoon!


We wanted to share this photo contest with you, in the hope that you'll send it to your friends and colleagues. The contest is for Education Professionals and parents in NYC, as we head into the start of the year. There is no purchase necessary. Entry is totally free. The prize is an iPad.


We know that you're busy, in this back-to-school season, and we appreciate your time! (We also think teachers and parents would appreciate the chance to win an iPad!)



Show us your Best Back to School Photos!

Are you a teacher, administrator or counselor with an awesome school, ready for kids? Are you a parent with adorable kids ready for the new school year? Are you hopelessly (but hilariously) swimming in back to school supplies and lists??

Do you want a BRAND NEW iPAD?! Show us your best shot in our Back to School Photo Contest!


Send us your best Back-to-School photos! Starting TODAY, you may upload your funniest, sweetest, most-prepared photo of your classroom, kids, the dog, or whatever says Back-to-School to you! You can submit as many photos as you like by 9/13/13. Then you and everyone else can vote for your favorite entries! Each person may vote once per day. And the photo with the most votes at the close of voting on 9/13/13 will win a brand new iPad!


The photo with the most votes by 9/13/13 will win a NEW iPAD!

TO ENTER: Click the following link.

You can also enter using TWITTER by simply tagging your photo, using the Hashtag #CITEPHOTO

*** Entrants must be from the NY metro area (including Long Island and Yonkers).

Thanks for entering! Check our blog at or our facebook page for updates! Winners announced after 9/13/13

We tweet @ctrteachered and you can find us on Facebook at

Good luck!!