Fraudulent Email Alert from FedEx

Martin J. Golden

March 15, 2013

FedEx has received reports that there has been an increase in fraudulent

emails claiming to come from FedEx. These messages typically have a

vague subject referencing a FedEx tracking, invoice or item number and

an attached zip file with 'FEDEXInvoice' in the file name that may

contain a computer virus. If you receive a message matching this

description do not open the attachment. Delete the email immediately.


A new variant of fraudulent emails is circulating including the subject

line "Shipping Information." This fraudulent email wants customers to

open a Microsoft(r) Word document for more information or click on a

"Print Receipt" link.


If you receive this message do not open the email or click on the

attachment or link. Please forward suspected fraudulent FedEx emails to


What is important to remember is that FedEx does not send unsolicited

emails to customers requesting information regarding packages, invoices,

account numbers, passwords or personal information.