Senator Golden and Assemblywoman Malliotakis Set Rally to Save Local After School Program

Martin J. Golden

April 30, 2013

Brooklyn – State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C-I, Brooklyn) and Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis (R-C-I, Brooklyn/Staten Island) today are announcing plans to host a rally to save the McKinley I.S. 259 Beacon Program, on Friday, May 10, 2013, at 5 p.m., at the program site, 7301 Fort Hamilton Parkway in Brooklyn.


The representatives learned of the New York City Department of Youth and Community Development’s plans to terminate the Beacon Program, sponsored by HeartShare Human Services, late yesterday afternoon.


“All are welcome to join us in sending a message that we need this youth program in our community to continue. For years, this program has been an important part of our neighborhood, and of the education and enrichment of our students. The City is wrong to plan to close these doors, and so we hope to see all the students, parents, neighbors and educators who believe in this program at the rally with us on May 10th,” said Golden and Malliotakis.


The after school program offers opportunities for homework assistance and tutoring, community service projects, music education, reading and writing groups, sports and recreation, and more.


For more information on the event, call (718) 238-6044 or visit the elected officials on Facebook or Twitter.