Senator Golden Calls for the Passage of “Brittany’s Law”

Martin J. Golden

March 15, 2013

Asks his colleagues in Senate and Assembly to make the creation of a violent felony offender registry law.


Albany, NY – State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C-I, Brooklyn) today is calling on his colleagues to pass S1850-A, also known as “Brittany’s Law.” The legislation would create a violent felony offender registry in the state of New York and establish a database to help both law enforcement and the public. The bill requires any violent felony offenders to register with DCJS upon discharge, parole or release from any state or local facility and allows for dissemination of and access to certain information to the general public.


“The public has a right to an easily accessible database of convicted violent felony offenders. It’s time to give our friends and neighbors this information, so they can protect themselves, their families, and their community. This legislation has been enacted successfully in other parts of the country, and it’s time New York State joins with them an ensure that the safety of our citizens is a top priority. Simply put, this legislation saves lives," stated Senator Golden.


“Brittany’s Law” is named after Brittany Passalacque who, along with her mother, Helen Buchel, were brutally murdered by John Edward Brown in 2009. Mr. Brown had been out on parole and had a long history of arrests.