Senators Golden, Felder, Lanza, and Savino Push for Lever Voting Machines for Nyc Municipal Elections

Martin J. Golden

March 8, 2013

Lever Machines will allow for accurate and timely results for Primary and Run-off Elections in New York City


Albany – State Senator Martin J. Golden, along with his NYC delegation colleagues, Senators Simcha Felder, Andrew Lanza, & Diane Savino, are calling for the passage of legislation S4088, which allows for the use of lever machines in New York City municipal elections.


The legislators believe that the lever machines, discontinued in 2010 and replaced with electronic voting, are the most logical choice to ensure timely results for the upcoming municipal elections. The New York City Board of Elections has warned that due to the lengthy processing of electronic vote total, they will be unable to hold a run-off election with the electronic machines. The lever machines will provide the voters and the city a way to ensure these elections run smoothly and without incident.


“The last election was held 123 days ago, and the New York City Board of Elections is still finding ballots to be counted,” stated Senator Golden. “It’s evident that the electronic machines cannot handle the two week turn around required for a run-off election, which is a likely presumption as the field of candidates grows. This is a simple solution which doesn’t involve re-inventing the wheel. We have the lever machines. They fix this problem. We should use them.”


“These new-fangled voting machines are a disaster,” said Senator Simcha Felder (D-Brooklyn). “Seniors can’t see the ballot text; voters are confused about how to fill out the ballot; and Election Day in New York City has become synonymous with chaos and dysfunction. These machines have rendered us a national laughingstock and given fodder to late-night comedians. This is an example where technology has come back to bite us. It’s time to bring back the old machines and ensure that all New Yorkers can properly exercise their right to easily cast a ballot for the candidate of their choosing.”


“The BOE has had problems executing elections of all sizes in the last year because of all the time it takes to tally votes, determine top candidates, print ballots and test the new machines,” said Senator Andrew J. Lanza (R,I,C-Staten Island). “Lever machines, despite their aged technology, are actually more transparent and reliable than electronic voting systems.”


"After watching the BOE waste time and resources going back and forth trying to figure out what to do with the upcoming municipal elections, we believe the best and simplest solution is to use the lever machines,” said State Senator Diane Savino. “This would allow the BOE to use a trusted method that will ensure all votes are counted in timely manner".


To the read this legislation click here.