State Senator Golden Thanks Mta for Progress on Plans to Accommodate Riders During R Train Tunnel Closure, Calls on Mta to Add Additional Services.

Martin J. Golden

July 18, 2013



Golden, who has sent multiple letters and has had several meetings with the MTA, calls on NYC and MTA to meet additional service requests during the Montague Street Tunnel Closure


Brooklyn, NY – State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C-I), after receiving a response letter from MTA Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Thomas F. Prendergast regarding service changes to accommodate the R Train Montague Tunnel closure, issued the following statement:


“I am pleased that the MTA is considering some of my proposals, including increasing frequency of X27 buses and instituting Gap Trains along the R train route. This is a great first step in assuring commuters that the MTA realizes the need for additional services while there is no R Train service to Manhattan,” said Senator Golden. “While I am pleased with the progress, the MTA proposal still fall short, and I am asking them to reconsider the following options, which I have stated in multiple meetings and asked for in multiple letters:


· Increase X27 service by 50%

· Reduce the X27 fair during construction time

· Restore a full X28 weekend service

· Shuttle Service from downtown Brooklyn to take riders into Manhattan, making stops at Jay Street and Court Street while trains are not running to those locations.

· The NYC DOT & EDC reinstate Ferry Service


“I know the importance of this construction to make sure we have a first rate transit system, but while we shut down Bay Ridge’s major artery to Manhattan, we must make sure that multiple alternatives are presented to those who live and work in South Brooklyn.”