Testimony From State Senator Martin J. Golden & Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis Regarding the B37

Martin J. Golden

November 14, 2013

Submitted for the November 14, 2013 MTA Public Hearing


Brooklyn- Below please find the submitted testimony from State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C-I, Brooklyn) and Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis (R-C-I, Brooklyn/Staten Island) regarding the B37.


“The restoration of the B37 bus line was a tremendous victory for the riders, families and businesses of Brooklyn who relied on this service for so long prior to its elimination. This decision was welcomed by so many in the community, including our students, senior citizens, health care professionals, and those who will again be able to utilize this bus to get to and from work. However, the proposal to cease service at the Barclays Center at Atlantic Avenue is an ill-advised plan that will fail to meet the needs of Brooklyn’s commuters. In the past, the B37 would travel 10 blocks further to Court Street at Livingston Street, connecting riders with destinations like the court system, medical appointments, and Borough Hall and its surrounding neighborhood. As the State legislative representatives of Bay Ridge, we formally request that the B37 be restored in full, running past the Barclays Center and to its former final stop at Court Street. Anything less would be a failure for your customers.”