Senator Dilan Announces Passage of Common Sense Gun Laws
Martin Malavé Dilan
January 15, 2013
Senator Martin Malavé Dilan (D-Brooklyn) today announced that the New York State Senate has passed the most comprehensive gun control legislation in the country. The NY Safe Act was passed with unanimous support from the Democratic Conference and included multiple pieces of legislation previously sponsored by Democratic Senators.
“Following the recent tragedies in Webster, New York and Newtown, Connecticut, New Yorkers made it clear that the time to enact common-sense gun measures had come. With the passage of this comprehensive legislative package, New York is now the national standard in the continued fight to protect the public from the scourge of gun violence,” said Senator Dilan.
Specifically, this legislative package includes expanding the assault weapon ban, strengthening license requirements and creating a state-wide database which law enforcement will utilize to help keep New Yorker’s safe.
This historic package of bills is consistent with legislation proposed by the Senate Democratic Conference for years but consistently blocked by the Senate Republicans. Including: universal background checks for the sale of firearms; requiring the sale or transfer of firearms through a licensed firearms dealer; requirements on the safe storage of all guns; and a ban on the possession, sale or manufacturing of assault weapons.
“This ground-breaking legislation is a long-overdue compromise between a New Yorker’s Constitutional right to keep and bear arms, and the stricter laws and tougher penalties needed to ensure we keep people safe,” said Senator Dilan. “I commend my Senate colleagues and Governor Cuomo for taking the lead on this issue and taking a stand against the rash of senseless gun violence plaguing our state and nation."
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