Gallivan Leads First Bipartisan Forum on State Regulatory Reform

Panel Will Hear Input From Leaders In WNY’s Healthcare And Medical Sciences Industries
BUFFALO - A statewide series of industry-specific bipartisan forum’s intended to identify and help eliminate up to 1,000 burdensome and duplicitous state regulations that impede job creation and economic growth will kick-off in Downtown Buffalo on Wednesday at Roswell Park Cancer Institute, where the chairs of the statewide effort – Sens. Patrick M. Gallivan (R-Erie County), David Valesky (D-Onondaga County), Kathleen Marchione (R-Saratoga County) and David Carlucci (D-Rockland County) – will hear testimony from leaders in Western New York’s healthcare and medical sciences industries.
The forums are being convened by the Administrative Regulations Review Commission and the Senate Committee on Commerce, Economic Development and Commerce.
“New York State has been labeled “anti-business” for what seems like a generation and two items are always identified as chiefly responsible – taxes and regulations. A lot of air and ink have been spent outlining the state’s high-tax problem, but not nearly enough energy has been spent trying to understand and combat New York’s job-killing regulatory structure,” said Gallivan. “This series of 10 forums concentrating on the regulatory burden confronting specific industries and economic sectors vital to regional and statewide economic growth is state government’s first honest attempt to address this in a long time.”
The first of the 10 forums that are taking place over the course of the next month will focus on the healthcare and medical sciences industries that are so vital to Western New York’s economic future.
“It is clear that healthcare and medical sciences are sectors that are experiencing significant growth and investment in Western New York. We see it in the physical development of the medical corridor and in hiring growth across the region in related fields,” explained Gallivan. “It’s safe to say that Buffalo and Western New York’s economic future will be reliant upon the continued growth and innovation of these industries and I am excited to be leading the effort to ensure New York State is a partner – not a roadblock – to their development and stability in our region and across the state.”
The schedule of statewide regulatory repeal forums is as follows:
- September 11, 2013 – Healthcare and Medical Sciences - Buffalo, NY
- September 19, 2013 – Agriculture - Watertown, NY
- September 20, 2013 – Manufacturing – Syracuse, NY
- September 25, 2013 – Construction – Mineola, NY
- October 2, 2013 – Hospitality and Tourism – Saratoga, NY
- October 7, 2013 – Small Business – Nanuet, NY
- October 8, 2013 – Insurance – New York City
- October 8, 2013 – Banking – New York City
- October 9, 2013 – Manufacturing – Corning, NY
- October 15, 2013 – Biotechnology – Rochester, NY
To submit your own suggestions for reforming New York State's notoriously onerous regulatory structure, email RegReform@SenatorGallivan.net
Chief Executive Magazine ranked New York State 49th in the nation in its 2013 Best States For Business Ranking. New York State Received 1 out of 5 stars for “Taxes and Regulations”, its lowest mark in any category and was ranked 49th in the nation for the third consecutive year.
Read more at: http://chiefexecutive.net/new-york-is-the-49th-best-state-for-business-2013
The US Chamber of Commerce’s “Enterprising States” report ranked New York State 50th in the nation in terms of “business climate.”
Read more at: http://www.freeenterprise.com/enterprisingstates/#map/all/NY/