Ritchie Announces St. Lawrence County Job Fair
More than 50 Employers to be Featured at September 18th Event
Those looking for employment opportunities or seeking a career change are encouraged to attend State Senator Patty Ritchie’s St. Lawrence County Job Fair, an event being held Wednesday September 18th from 1 to 4 p.m.
The free event will take place at the Ogdensburg Oddfellows Hall, located at 1111 Linden St. (corner of Route 37) and will feature more than 50 employers looking to hire. To view a full list of participating employers, click here.
“It’s often said that looking for a new job is just as much work as actually having a job,” said Senator Ritchie. “That’s why it’s so important to have the connections, skills and tools to make that search not only easier but also more successful.”
“I’m pleased to once again host my St. Lawrence County Job Fair, which will help match the hardworking and talented people of our region with companies and organizations looking for dedicated employees.”
Last year, more than 1,000 job-seekers attended Senator Ritchie’s job fairs held in St. Lawrence and Oswego Counties, which included nearly 100 employers, seminars on resume writing, interview skills and tips on landing a new job. As a result of the events, hundreds of attendees were able to find employment.
Those wishing to attend can preregister here.