Ritchie Secures $50,000 to Help Victims of Domestic Violence
Funding Will Aid Centers in Oswego, Jefferson and St. Lawrence Counties
State Senator Patty Ritchie has announced she has secured $50,000 in special funding to aid victims of domestic violence in Oswego, Jefferson and St. Lawrence Counties.
“Across our communities, our state and our nation, domestic violence continues to be a major problem that has devastating physical and psychological effects on its victims and tears families apart” said Senator Ritchie.
“I am truly pleased to have the opportunity to assist the organizations in Central and Northern New York that play a key role in our communities, protecting and helping victims.”
Organizations receiving special funding are as follows:
St. Lawrence Valley Renewal House: $25,000
Victims Assistance Center of Jefferson County: $15,000
Oswego County Opportunities: $10,000
Leaders of organizations that assist victims are praising Senator Ritchie's efforts to help them meet their needs.
“Senator Ritchie’s efforts will assist our agency in providing victims in St. Lawrence County an opportunity to break free from violence,” said Ilene J. Burke, Executive Director of the St. Lawrence Valley Renewal House.
“We are thankful that she was able to provide these vital resources that will give people here in the North Country the options and support they need.”
The securing of special funding represents Senator Ritchie’s latest effort on behalf of victims of domestic violence. This year, she cosponsored two pieces of legislation supporting victims; including a bill that would strengthen order of protection law as well as legislation that establishes a pilot program for the filing of petitions for temporary orders of protection by electronic means. The measures—which passed the Senate—are still awaiting passage in the Assembly.
In addition, in the past two years Senator Ritchie was successful in securing $100,000 for programs in the Central and Northern New York regions.
According to recent statistics, approximately 400,000 domestic incidents are reported to police departments throughout New York State annually. In addition, the U.S. Surgeon General has identified domestic violence as the number one health problem affecting American women, with an estimated one in four females having had experienced domestic violence in her lifetime.