Senator Boyle's "VLT's On Long Island" Initiative Gains Traction In Senate
Phil Boyle
May 24, 2013
- Racing and Wagering
Keeps Gaming Money on Long Island While Providing Much Needed Revenue for County Governments
Albany, NY - A significant step in favor of allowing Video Lottery Terminals (VLTs) on Long Island was taken today. Senator John Bonacic (R- Orange County), Chairman of the Racing, Gaming and Wagering Committee, introduced a comprehensive statewide gaming bill that, among many other measures, would allow for Video Lottery Terminals (VLTs) on Long Island.
The move comes three weeks after Senator Phil Boyle’s proposal to allow regional off-track betting corporations (OTBs) of Nassau and Suffolk Counties to operate video lottery gaming terminals was referred to the Racing, Gaming and Wagering Committee.
"Having the Chairman of the Senate Racing, Gaming and Wagering Committee share my interest in bringing VLTs to Long Island brings us one giant step closer to seeing this become a reality," said Senator Boyle. "I applaud Senator Bonacic for his leadership and thank him for including measures originally spelled out in my bill, measures that would bring VLTs to Long Island, in his statewide legislation."
VLTs are currently found in “racinos”– a combination horse racing tracks and betting parlors like Aqueduct and Saratoga Race Tracks. This legislation would be the first time New York State would allow a "racino" away from a race track.
“This legislation, allowing OTBs in Nassau and Suffolk Counties to operate VLTs, will provide much needed revenue for Nassau and Suffolk Counties,” Senator Boyle said. “Let’s keep the Long Islanders who use gaming machines on Long Island, and use those revenues to help to shore up the finances of our struggling local governments.”
Constituents who would like more information about Senator Boyle’s legislative initiatives should call his District Office at 631-669-9200.