What You Should Know

Ruben Diaz

April 2, 2013


By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz

32nd Senatorial District, Bronx County, New York

Tel. 718-991-3161

My Two Cents on Senator Malcolm Smith’s Situation

After learning about the difficult and embarrassing situation for which my senate colleague, Malcolm Smith is going through and after so many calls from members of the media asking for my comments I am herewith expressing my two cents.

Those who know me, should know that I don’t kick people when they are down, I pray for them as I will be praying for Senator Malcolm Smith and his family and I extend my hand to help them get up as I did with Senators Pedro Espada, Hiram Monserrate, Carl Kruger and others. That is my calling. That is my responsibility and that is what God expects me to do.

We all know that Senator Malcolm Smith is entitled and will have his day in court and the opportunity to prove his innocence if it so. In the meantime, let’s keep praying for him and his family and wait for the outcome.

I am Senator Rev. Ruben Diaz and this is what you should know.