Osborne Association Moves to Fulton Street

Ruth Hassell-Thompson

March 28, 2013

A 106 year old Claremont building, used in the past as a synagogue, a church and a minimum correctional facility is now being proposed as a facility for reentry under the auspices of the Osborne Association.  The Osborne Association has an eighty year history of leadership in working with currently and formerly incarcerated men, women, and children and families, affected by the incarceration of a loved one. 

“The State of New York has taken an empty building and has partnered with the private sector to create a state of the art reentry program which will bring well over six million dollars into the community and it will be administered by an organization with a track record of hard work and results,” said Senator Hassell-Thompson. “The Osborne Association offers job development services, culinary arts training, training in catering and bookkeeping, housing referrals and counselors to ensure that individuals have or can obtain medical insurance.” 

“The facility is large enough to allow other organizations to work with the Osborne Association.  The ultimate goal was to create a “one stop” center to provide services to help returning offenders get back on their feet, be reunited with their families, find housing and find employment,” continued Senator Hassell-Thompson. 

“I am pleased that the Legislature and the Governor agreed to transfer Fulton to the Osborne Association.  In particular, I would like to thank Assembly-members Lentol, Weinstein and O’Donnell for their advocacy, and also Senators Stewart-Cousins and Rivera for their support,” Senator Hassell-Thompson concluded. 

In addition to bringing jobs and money into the community, the services offered by the Osborne Association are targeted to reduce recidivism and promote public safety.  There are approximately 150,000 men and women on parole or probation in Bronx County.