Senator Hassell-Thompson Announces Historic Passage of Common Sense Gun Laws

Ruth Hassell-Thompson

January 16, 2013

(Mount Vernon/Bronx, NY) Senator Ruth Hassell-Thompson announced that the New York State Senate has passed the most comprehensive gun control legislation in the country (Senate Bill 2230/Assembly 2388).  The bill package was passed with unanimous support from the Democratic Conference and included multiple pieces of legislation previously sponsored by Democratic Senators but blocked by the Republican Majority. 

 “In the light of the recent tragedies that have plagued the nation, it was our duty to quickly engage in this debate and find ways to better protect the hard working men and women of this state from senseless gun violence,” Senator Hassell-Thompson stated. “It is my hope that with the passage of this comprehensive legislative package that New York will be a safer and stronger state.” 

Specifically this legislative package includes expanding the assault weapon ban, strengthening license requirements and creating a state-wide database which law enforcement will utilize to help keep New Yorker’s safe. 

This historic package of bills is consistent with legislation proposed by the Senate Democratic Conference for years but consistently blocked by the Senate Republicans. 

·         S.575 Gianaris - Provides for universal background checks for the sale of firearms 

·         S.66 Peralta – Requires that the sale or transfer of certain firearms between unlicensed persons shall be conducted through a licensed firearms dealer 

·         S.1804 Espaillat - Requires the safe storage of all guns, either in a safe or with a locking device, and provides for penalties; requires notices to be furnished upon the transfer of guns and issuance /renewal of licenses; defines guns as weapons in the form of rifles, shotguns, and firearms 

·         S.202 Squadron - Provides for banning the possession, sale or manufacture of assault weapons, subject to an exception; expands duties of superintendent of state police to include identifying assault weapons 

“I’m honored to say that we have closed the necessary loopholes which have put our State at risk for far too long,” Senator Hassell-Thompson concluded. “I want to commend my colleagues on both sides of the aisle and Governor Cuomo for being a leader on this issue and leading the charge against the continued levels of senseless gun violence.” 
