O'Brien receives committee assignments
Ted O'Brien
January 29, 2013
ROCHESTER, N.Y. – Sen. O’Brien received his committee assignments today, including the position of ranking Democratic member of the Banks Committee.
O’Brien will also serve on Insurance; Commerce, Economic Development and Small Business; Health; Codes; Cultural Affairs, Tourism and Parks and Recreation; and Local Government.
“I am pleased with the confidence shown in me by the members of my conference in having me serve on seven different committees, including some very substantive ones. These committee assignments will give me influence over policy areas that are crucial to the state and to my district in particular,” O’Brien said. “So much of the vital work that the Senate does happens in committee sessions, and I look forward to working on issues that are very important to me..”
“In many of the policy areas where I will be a committee member, the governor has just introduced new, competitive processes to bring funding to different regions of the state. I plan to be a strong advocate for the Finger Lakes economic development district that includes the area I represent,” he said.
Sen. O’Brien represents the 55th district in the Senate, which is made up of the eastern half of Monroe County and the western half of Ontario County, including much of the city of Rochester.
Media contact:
Thomas J. Morrisey
Communications Director
office: (585) 223-1800
e-mail: tjmorris@nysenate.gov