Senator Gipson Brings Community and Businesses Together at District Office Opening
Terry Gipson
July 11, 2013

For Immediate Release: July 10, 2013
Media Contact: Jonathan Heppner | 845.463.0840 | heppner@nysenate.gov
POUGHKEEPSIE, NY – Senator Terry Gipson (D-Dutchess, Putnam) hosted a celebratory opening of his district office at 3 Neptune Road in the Town of Poughkeepsie on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 bringing local community members, businesses and elected officials together.
“My staff and I have been working hard here in this office since January, but now that my first legislative session is complete, I wanted to bring everyone together here today,” said Senator Gipson. “My top priorities as Senator are reducing the cost of living, creating jobs, and being a resource for those I have the privilege of serving. Our phones and doors are always open.”
The well-attended event featured a ribbon cutting ceremony by the Dutchess County Regional Chamber of Commerce and opening remarks from Supervisor Todd Tancredi (R-Town of Poughkeepsie) and President and CEO DCRCC Charlie North. Since the legislative session in Albany concluded on June 22, Senator Gipson will be in the district full-time until the Senate reconvenes for session in January.
“You often hear about the big news happening up in Albany, but every day my staff and I are working in the district to solve individual issues facing our constituents,” said Senator Gipson. “I was elected to the New York State Senate as an Albany outsider, and I’m proud to take that literally by spending every moment possible here in our district.”

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