Senator Terry Gipson Leads Press Conference on the Proposed Closing of the Beacon Correctional Facility
Terry Gipson
February 20, 2013

For Immediate Release: February 19, 2013
Media Contact: Daniel Torres | 845.399.5092 | danieltorresnysenate@gmail.com
Beacon, NY- This morning, Senator Terry Gipson was joined by Assemblyman Frank Skartados, Beacon Mayor Randy Casale, NYSCOPBA President Donn Rowe, and other local elected officials, union leaders, and community members at The Howland Cultural Center in Beacon to discuss their opposition to the proposed closing of the Beacon Correctional Facility.
The facility is the last remaining women's minimum security facility in the state. The budget plan calls for the minimum security inmates to be transferred to either medium security or maximum security facilities, which would be "stepping backwards" within the system.
"I support the Governor’s efforts to grow our state’s economy and keeping this facility open would certainly help Beacon keep its economic development on track," said Gipson. "When you look at the potential economic impact the closing would have on the community along with the extra financial burden placed on the families of the employees and inmates, the 'savings' the state hoped to gain with the closure begins to vanish."
“Albany should protect those who protect us. Closing Beacon Correctional Facility will force correction officers to choose between their jobs and their families, and will have a ripple effect that will impact the entire community,” said Donn Rowe, President of the NYSCOPBA. “If that wasn’t bad enough, the Governor has again proposed forcing the closure in just 60 days, rather than giving the one-year notice that is required by law. On behalf of NYSCOPBA’s members, I would like to thank Senator Gipson for his leadership in fighting the proposed closure of Beacon Correctional.”
“I am concerned about the impact the proposed closure of Beacon Correctional Facility would have on the many people who work at this facility, and for Beacon’s economy,” said Assemblyman Skartados. “I look forward to working with the Governor to produce another on-time budget, but until it is proven that the impact on Beacon will be negligible, I intend to join my colleague in the Senate Terry Gipson and oppose the closure of the Beacon Correctional Facility.”
Beacon Mayor Randy Casale added, “The impact of the closing of Beacon Correctional Facility on the City of Beacon cannot be over-stated. Like many municipalities in the state we were hit hard by the recession and we are still in the process of recovering. This would be a serious step in the wrong direction. For example, we sell the facility water and sewer so if the state closes the facility we will lose revenue we anticipated for this year’s budget and beyond.”
Senator Gipson and Assemblyman Skartados toured the Beacon facility after the press conference and saw first hand the value it brings to the inmates, employees and the community. Senator Gipson invited the Governor to come to Beacon and take the tour himself to understand the impact this closing would have on all involved.

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