Senator Terry Gipson Urges Psc to Address Residents’ Concerns Over Proposed Transmission Lines in Northern Dutchess

Terry Gipson

November 13, 2013

For Immediate Release: November 13, 2013
Media Contact: Jonathan Heppner | 845.463.0840 |     


POUGHKEEPSIE, NY – New York State Senator Terry Gipson (D-Dutchess, Putnam) announced that he has issued an official request to the Public Service Commission (PSC) urging further consideration of all proposals in regards to the suggested transmission line projects that would potentially impact the towns of Clinton, Hyde Park, Milan and Pleasant Valley. Senator Gipson also called for increased public information and outlined his concerns in a letter sent to the PSC on November 12, 2013.

“After listening to residents, community groups, utility companies and local officials, it has become apparent that there have been significant insufficiencies during the initial stages of this process,” said Senator Gipson. “Action needs to be taken in order to ensure that residents’ and local communities’ voices are being heard and questions answered. It is also important that all viable options are explored, especially the possibility of burying the proposed power lines.”

In the November 12th letter, Senator Gipson strongly encouraged the PSC to evaluate the true costs and benefits of line burial and inform the public as to whether or not this is a viable option. He also highlighted his concern with the insufficient opportunity for local stakeholders and their elected officials to give adequate input on the project since it began in 2011. Senator Gipson cited the need for greater public education on the importance of expanding New York’s energy infrastructure and encouraged an open conversation on how to do so effectively.

Additionally, Senator Gipson asked that the PSC provide concrete answers on the fiscal implications of the proposed projects and consider the repeated occurrence of such projects in these same communities for generations. He noted that some residents have seen three generations of family members lose land to accommodate similar projects.

Concluded Senator Gipson: “Those potentially impacted by this project deserve full access to information and solid answers to their questions. It is their everyday lives that will be affected and their property that will be sacrificed. I look forward to working with the PSC in the coming months to resolve some of these issues, and fighting for the best interests of our communities.”


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