Senator Terry Gipson’s Statement on Governor Cuomo’s Tax Commission Report
Terry Gipson
December 10, 2013

For Immediate Release: December 10, 2013
Media Contact: Jonathan Heppner | 845.463.0840 | heppner@nysenate.gov
POUGHKEEPSIE, NY – New York State Senator Terry Gipson (D-Dutchess, Putnam) issued the following statement in response to Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Tax Commission report recommending a “circuit breaker” to provide property tax relief and an accelerated phase-out of the 18-a utility surcharge:
“I commend Governor Cuomo’s Tax Commission for acknowledging the importance of delivering property tax relief to New York families and businesses. Additionally, I strongly encourage New York State to take significant steps to deliver unfunded mandate relief to local municipalities, allowing them to use their revenue to invest in further property tax relief.
“After advocating for a complete repeal of the 18-a utility surcharge during last year’s budget process, I’m pleased that the commission has recommended that New York expedite the compromised phase-out of this regressive tax. It’s time for New York State to stop taxing businesses for turning on their lights.
“I look forward to working with the Governor and my colleagues on both sides of the aisle this coming session to deliver meaningful tax relief to businesses and hard working families in Dutchess and Putnam.”

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