Press Release: Statement From Senate Democratic Conference Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins Regarding Tappan Zee Bridge's Mass Transit Task Force's Final Report
"I was honored to serve on the Tappan Zee Bridge Mass Transit Task Force throughout this past year and am proud that all stakeholders were able to come to a consensus and create a quality report. I have been calling for bus rapid transit service to be a component of the new Tappan Zee Bridge and I-287 corridor since the project was fast-tracked in 2011. When fully implemented, the proposals in this report will help satisfy many of the transit needs of my constituents in Westchester and throughout the region. A fully operational BRT system will also maximize the economic impact of the New New York Bridge by creating transit oriented development opportunities in Westchester and Rockland. I am particularly pleased that White Plains and Yonkers - two communities which I represent - were recognized as key destinations for transit riders in the region. The plan also takes into consideration the unique concerns of Tarrytown - as the home community of the bridge - and of Greenburgh. I am looking forward to seeing this plan implemented and providing my constituents and the people of the Lower Hudson Valley with better, affordable, environmentally- friendly transit opportunities and a new bridge for the 21st century," said Democratic Conference Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins.