National Mammography Day - Friday, Oct. 17
Friday, October 17th is National Mammography Day. Occurring during National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Mammography Day is an opportunity for people to get informed about the tests and information that can help save lives in the fight against this terrible disease.
Senator Lanza Sponsors Free Mammography Screenings
While great strides have been made in the early detection and treatment of breast cancer -- and many women diagnosed with the disease are living long, healthy lives -- the fight against this deadly disease is far from over. During Breast Cancer Awareness Month, women are encouraged to consult with their health care providers to learn more about the disease, discuss their concerns, and develop an appropriate plan for breast cancer screening -- because early detection can save lives.
Senator Andrew Lanza is sponsoring Project Renewal’s Scan Van on the following date:
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Senator Lanza’s District Office
3845 Richmond Ave., Eltingville
***An appointment is necessary, please call 1-800-564-6868. All insurance plans are accepted. Co-payments and deductibles are waived.***