Senator Lanza Supports NY "Jobs for Heroes" Program to Assist Disabled Veterans

Andrew J Lanza

January 16, 2014

Last year, Senator Andrew Lanza voted for the NY Jobs For Heroes Program, a plan that would create a state contract preference for service-connected disabled veteran-owned small businesses in New York State. The Senate-approved legislation mirrors the highly successful federal program that is presently established for a contract set aside. 

Currently, nearly 40 other states are successfully using this program. Unfortunately, the bill was not addressed in the New York State Assembly.

Providing this earned opportunity to our heroes is commonsense. That is why Lanza was enthused by the Governor’s support of this plan in his recent State of the State Address. 

One in seven veterans are self-employed or small business owners. The same attributes that make these people so vital to defending our freedom are the same hard earned intangibles that make them exceptional at running their businesses and creating jobs. New York has been trailing the nation on this front for far too long. 

Senator Lanza is happy to welcome Governor Cuomo aboard the statewide mission to create a ‘NY Jobs For Heroes Program’ in New York State. With the Governor's support, Lanza is optimistic that this can be the year that New York joins the nearly 40 other states that offer this contract set aside.

For more information on our NY Jobs for Heroes Program, click here.