Tkaczyk Forces Committee Vote on Her Anti-Fracking Measure

Cecilia Tkaczyk

April 29, 2014

Senator Cecilia Tkaczyk’s legislation (S.5123-A) to prevent toxic fracking wastes from other states being dumped and disposed of in New York will be considered by the Senate Committee on Environmental Conservation tomorrow.

The measure was assigned to committee immediately after Senator Tkaczyk introduced it in May of 2013. The Chair of the Committee has to date refused to place it on the agenda, but Senator Tkaczyk is using a procedural maneuver called a “Motion to Consider” to force a vote on the bill.

 Each Senator has three opportunities to use a Motion to Consider to place one of their bills onto the Committee agenda. Senators use the Motion to Consider to move priority measures that have been stalled in committee.

 Senator Tkaczyk authored her bill preventing toxic fracking wastes from being imported into New York from other states after she toured a number of fracking sites in Pennsylvania last year.

 She learned during the tour that thousands of tons of toxic fracking wastes -- containing hazardous and carcinogenic chemicals and compounds -- are imported into New York each year, despite the fact that high-volume hydraulic fracking is not allowed in our state because of the health and environmental concerns.

 “This is a common-sense measure that would ban hazardous and toxic wastes from being transported to and dumped in New York from other States,” Senator Tkaczyk said. “Considering the seriousness of the fracking issue, this bill should have been a top priority for the Committee, and I should not have had to force a vote.  Protecting our citizens should be our primary concern, and our constituents deserve to know exactly where we stand on the fracking issue.”

 The Committee on Environmental Conservation meeting will be held Tuesday, April 29, at 9 am in LOB Room 609. The bill is sponsored in the Assembly by Daniel O'Donnell (A.7503).

An engineering firm hired by the City of Auburn recently to clear the way for the municipality to accept wastewater from gas drilling concluded the city's wastewater treatment plant can't handle it:

  In addition to her bill preventing toxic fracking wastes from other states being dumped in New York, Senator Tkaczyk will also use her Motions to Consider to force a vote on her Primary Reimbursement measure (S.6417), which would repay counties for the cost of a second, wasteful Primary for State Elections, and her measure to ensure that military veterans who have experienced sexual trauma in the service have access to adequate assistance (S.6381).