Statement From NYS Senate Co-Leader Dean G. Skelos

Dean G. Skelos

April 15, 2014

Today’s report from the Tax Foundation detailing positive changes to the state’s overall tax climate, especially when it comes to reducing the tax burden for businesses, shows we’re making real progress in making New York a more attractive place to create jobs and grow for the future.


I’m particularly pleased that many of the reforms that were included in this year’s enacted budget, which form the basis for our improved ranking, were ideas Senate Republicans have been advocating for years.  By reducing costs for businesses and making New York more competitive, we can create new jobs and keep our young people here to settle and raise their families.  


Despite the progress we’re making, more remains to be done to improve New York’s overall tax climate.  We should strongly consider accelerating a number of the tax relief initiatives that have already been enacted into law to provide even more help for businesses and taxpayers.  Working with the Governor and our partners in government, we must redouble our efforts to control spending, cut taxes and create an environment where everyone who wants to secure a good job can get one. 

