Senator Martins Announces New Law to Benefit Disabled Veterans

Jack M. Martins

May 15, 2014

     Senator Jack M. Martins (R-7th Senate District) announced a new law which will facilitate the awarding of state contracts to disabled veterans. Senator Martins was a sponsor of the legislation, which was recently signed by Governor Andrew Cuomo. 

     The “Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business Act” will create a 6% state contract set aside for service-connected disabled veteran owned small businesses. The set aside is very similar to the highly successful 3% preference that the federal government offers.

     “We owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to our disabled veterans who sacrificed so much in defense of our country. They deserve our continued support when they return home to build their lives, careers, and businesses. This new program will help ensure that the State is taking advantage of the skills these men and women learned in the military and supporting economic development while honoring their service and sacrifice at the same time,” said Senator Martins.

     “New York is taking our commitment to honor the service and sacrifice of the disabled veterans who serve our state and nation to a higher level,” Governor Cuomo said. “This new law sets an ambitious and aggressive goal to make businesses owned by disabled veterans a more active part of state contracting and gives our heroes the recognition that they truly deserve. We are proud to lead every state in the nation with this ambitious program and by doing so, continue New York’s undaunted pursuit of greater fairness. I commend the members of the Legislature who worked so hard on this new law.”

     Information about the program can be found at including a contact form that businesses can use to begin the certification process and a list of frequently asked questions. Businesses can also contact OGS directly by calling 844-579-7570 or sending an email to