Senator Martins & Assemblywoman Schimel Discuss Education Issues WITH Great Neck Community

Jack M. Martins

May 2, 2014

     Senator Jack M. Martins (R-7th Senate District) and Assemblywoman Michelle Schimel (D-16th Assembly District) recently participated in an education forum with parents, residents, and staff from the Great Neck School District. 

     Senator Martins and Assemblywoman Schimel discussed a variety of education issues, including the increase in state education aid to the Great Neck School District included in this year’s state budget, newly approved safeguards to protect children’s privacy, the elimination of inBloom, and newly adopted reforms to address the State Education Department’s flawed rollout of Common Core.

     Senator Martins (left) and Assemblywoman Schimel (left center) are pictured with Great Neck School District Superintendent Dr. Thomas Dolan and Rebecca Yousefzadeh Sassouni, Executive Vice President of the Great Neck United Parent Teachers Council.