Senator Martins, County Executive Mangano, and Legislator Nicolello Help Residents Apply for Property Tax Exemptions
Jack M. Martins
August 1, 2014

Senator Jack M. Martins (R-Mineola), County Executive Ed Mangano, and Legislator Rich Nicolello recently sponsored a property tax exemptions workshop to help local residents save on their property taxes. The program was held at the Shelter Rock Library in Albertson.
Specialists from the Nassau County Department of Assessment met one-on-one with homeowners to answer questions about New York State’s STAR and Enhanced STAR programs, as well as other property tax exemptions offered by Nassau County. Residents were also able to file applications for property tax exemptions on site.
Senator Martins (left) and Legislator Nicolello (second left) are pictured with Mineola School Board President Artie Barnett and Charles Froehling from the Nassau County Department of Assessment.
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